Mojim 歌詞
Mojim 歌詞 > アジアの男性歌手 > 陳樂晞 > 翻越之後電影原聲帶 > アルバムの紹介






About the 'After Crossing' Film Soundtrack

In the traditions of many ancient cultures, people often utilize oral storytelling or singing to record life and history, and the Atayal tribe is no exception. During the filming of the documentary, we gathered a diverse range of traditional Tayal melodies, some about migration, others about daily life, and some about mourning. However, coaxing the elderly, who can still sing these ancient tunes, to open up and recreate scenes that are no longer present was no easy feat. What's precious about this album is that it not only captures the voices of these elderly individuals, but the producer has also blended these gradually fading songs with modern arrangements, reintegrating them into the documentary. This recording doesn't just use visuals, but also sound to preserve them.